How to Prevent Frozen Water Pipes

frozen water pipesIn New England, extremely cold temperatures in the single digits and below threaten your water pipes. Water expands when it freezes, which puts tremendous pressure on your plumbing. If your pipes burst, you have yourself a very costly repair.

Frozen Water Pipes: Prevention

  • Open cabinets below bathroom and kitchen sinks. Allow the warm air from the indoor heating system to circulate around the pipes.
  • Let water drip from faucets overnight to prevent frozen pipes.
  • Keep the thermostat at a steady temperature day and night.
  • Close the garage door.

Frozen Water Pipes: Protection

  • Insulate your home so higher temperatures can be maintained overnight. Extra insulation may be needed for vulnerable areas like attics and basements.
  • Drain water lines that you won’t be using anytime soon, such as the water sprinkler or swimming pool.
  • Relocate outdoor piping to prevent freezing down the road.
  • Hire a professional to install a pipe sleeve, heat tape, or UL-listed heat cable.

Frozen Water Pipes: Detection

If you turn on the faucet and nothing comes out, expect the culprit to be a frozen water pipe. You can find the frozen section yourself using one of the following methods:

  • Feel the temperature of the pipes with your hands.
  • Use an infrared thermometer.
  • Tap the pipe with a solid object and listen for a sound that is not hollow.

Frozen Water Pipes: Treatment

Treatment for frozen water pipes depends on the severity of your situation. If your pipes are frozen, but not burst, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. If your pipes have burst, you need to call a professional plumbing service to address the situation.

For DIY repairs, some people use a hand-held hair dryer on the affected area. Open up the faucet, slowly apply heat, and move towards the coldest section. Run the hair dryer back and forth across frozen water pipe until thawed.

If you don’t have a hand dryer, open up nearby working faucets connected to the frozen pipe and have running water pass through. Keep the blocked faucet open the entire time. In a couple hours, you should see water trickling through the blocked faucet.

Frozen Water Pipes: Insurance

If you have water damage due to a pipe bursting, your homeowner’s policy should cover it. However, the pipe itself would not be covered.

We wish you the best of luck during the cold winter months. As always, H&K Insurance is here at 617-924-5600 to help you with all your insurance needs.